About Matt

Hello and welcome! I’m a problem solver first, Technical Agile Coach and Software developer second. I love working as a team multiplier that values outcome over output, and helping teams and organizations realize their Agile journey by bringing my unique hybrid of people, process and technical intelligence to bear.

My Passion:

My passion has always been to make teams lives better. It started when I was a .net developer for an Interactive Voice Response software company. The transcription team, which had to review every utterance spoken to their systems, were using an old custom program that required keystrokes and movements that created such strain on the wrists that nearly all the team members were wearing wrist braces. Not ok! I rewrote the system, constantly getting feedback on how easy my program was to use. The result? No more wrist braces and they got much faster utterance-per-hour counts, too.

This is what I do – I strive to make life better for teams by solving process issues, technology issues, and organizational relationships that result in happier, safer, more confident team members.

I’m a problem solver that happens to code, and I can translate between business and engineering easily. I love to solve problems using technology and teach everyone around me in the process. If you’re interested in a high energy, outcome-focused engineer and coach, reach out over LinkedIn or through mattwt.studley at gmail dot com.

What I’m currently doing:

Currently working as a Technical Agile Coach for the Eliassen Group, I group up with a given team for a few months long engagement, offering guidance and hands-on, ground-level experience on how to adopt Agile practices both in the process world and making the technology follow along.

My skills:


  • Agile Scrum
  • Kanban
  • SAFe
  • Design Thinking
  • Team Self Selection
  • Servant Leadership
  • Remote Teams
  • Branching Strategies
  • Release on Demand
  • Feature Toggles


  • C#
  • Python
  • Go
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • HTML5
  • Powershell
  • Bash
  • SQL
  • NoSQL

Frameworks & Technologies

  • .NET
  • Django
  • *Unit, Jasmine, Cucumber
  • Atlassian Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Bitbucket Pipelines
  • Atlassian SDK
  • Jenkins
  • Git
  • AWS
  • Artifactory
  • Docker
  • VSCode, Visual Studio, IntelliJ

I’ve used a computer all my life. Really.

The first interesting thing to know about me is that I’ve been in the tech industry since I was born – literally. I started out in the mid-’80s using my dad’s computer. My dad – crazily – bought me my own computer, a TRS-80 (Trash Eighty!!) if memory serves, when I was two. I’ve been using computers ever since!

When not at work:

I can be found sailing off the North-East coast or tinkering in the engine room of my cruiser, S/V Taniwha